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The Flying Imams: Most Muslims aren't Radical

It's important to understand that there are Muslims in the United States who think that the Flying Imams were at fault for drawing attention to themselves by their suspicious behavior on a recent US Airways flight. Updated 8/4/2007 - Passengers who in good faith report suspicious activity cannot not be sued.

Radical Muslims are now suing a passenger of a US Airways flight who reported their suspicious behavior. What wasn't suspicious about it? He had every right to report it. Zuhdir Jasser of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy calls the six spades just what they are--spades. A current lawsuit will create further division between Arabs and other ethnicities, as well us Muslims and adherents of other religions.

In a way, it's like the boy who cried wolf. If the Council on American Islamic relations and radical Muslims complain when they are rightfully accused of suspicious behavior, the eventual result might be the reduction of civil rights for all of us.

Update 8/4/2007

A recent law passed by congress had an interesting effect. Lawyers for the flying imams immediately thereafter removed from the lawsuit passengers on the flight who had reported the suspicious activity. (Was the whole act by the Muslim men on the flight perhaps a "weather balloon" to see if America was ripe for another flight hijacking?)

Then suddenly on Tuesday, lawyers for the six imams removed from the flight filed a motion in federal court to drop passengers from their discrimination complaint. (US Airways crew and police are still named in the suit).

Lawyers maintained the surprise move had nothing to do with the action in Congress.

Sure it didn't. The new measure will assess fees and costs against parties suing John Does who report suspicious terror activity in good faith. Regardless of their motivation, it's a major victory for homeland security.


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