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BYU Cougars Beat the Utes and Down Comes the Cellophane

It's a yearly ritual-BYU vs. Utah rivalry week. Yes, the football game, but more importantly, the protecting of signs, statues, and other objects from defacement by the opponent during game week.

I'm not sure how bad the BYU trash talkers are, but I listened for a few minutes to one of the local sports stations last week, and there are some Utah fans that make me sick. Only some. I don't mean to generalize.

My daughter's favorite password hint question is "Which team would you like to see always lose?" The answer is "The Utes". Actually, I'm a bit different. I only want to see them lose when they're playing BYU or when it affects BYU's chances of winning the MWC championship.

Worse, though, was the BYU fan who gave the Utah fan a broken nose. Even if BYU had lost, such behavior is inexcusable.

But no matter what side you came out on, you have to admit that this year's BYU/Utah football game in Provo was one of the more exciting in the history of the meeting of the two teams.

I'm glad that BYU won--I've been a lifelong fan, except for when I temporarily contemplated attending school at the U, and I work here. It's too bad that two costly penalties on Utah helped BYU score their final touchdown, but after further review (mine), both calls were correct.

I hate it that the media and others call the game "The Holy War". There are other so-called Holy Wars that are much more serious (and problematic) than this one. Maybe we could call it the Wasatch Front War, or something else. Anyone have any ideas?

BYU wide receiver Austin Collie had a bit too much grape juice after the game as he claimed in essence that God had ordained the BYU win. Hmmmm.... Actually, the quote wasn't that bad.

The yearly ritual that has me the most intrigued, even more than the 24-hour guard posted at Y Mountain (do they do the same thing with the block U in Salt Lake?) is the BYU wrapping of welcome signs and statues in cellophane so that they can't be damaged by red paint or whatever else our friendly neighbors to the north can think of as a means of sabotage.

Last week, the cellophane started going up on about Tuesday. I just noticed this morning that the BYU administration (grounds crew?) thinks the coast is clear enough that they have begun to remove the protective wrapping from our priceless objects. Does the U do something like this, too, or are BYU fans not seen by Ute fans as being daring or wreckless enough to commit such mayhem?


  1. The football team's new slogan should be "If God be for us, who can be against us?" (Rom 8:31)


  2. Nice Collie reference connor,

    Frank, just when I was beginning to like you, I find out you are a Y fan. Maybe it's because of the restraining order, but I find it hard to route for BYU at anything.

    That being said, BYU's music department is quite good and I've been known to violate the order to attend a concert down there from time to time. If you ever see a really ugly woman with a four o'clock shadow on campus, you'll have to say hi.

  3. Obi wan,

    I'll be sure to immediately contact BYU police.


  4. Thanks for posting the article about Collie- the critism for him thanking God for success is RIDICULOUS. What I find even more ridiculous is that over 300 people commented on that article, proving Austin Collie right: people need to get a life.

  5. What's even more interesting (you can almost follow my train of thought in my article) is that at first I was taking everyone's word for what Austin Collie said. Luckily, as nearly an afterthought, I linked to the Deseret News article where it shows what he really said. So I came a hair's breadth from being a foul critic myself.

  6. "If you do what's right, on and off the field, I think the Lord steps in and plays a part in it." (emphasis added)

    It does sound a bit self-righteous to me. I don't think it's a stretch to infer from that comment that Collie is saying he and his team are doing more "right" off the field and therefore curry more favor with the Lord. Whether or not he actually meant it that way (he says he didn't) it certainly sounded that way, even to a few Cougar fans, when he said it (I heard the audio on KUTV that night.)

  7. When you give credit to God for your success, I suppose I can atleast say you express some level of humility. When you say that God blessed you because of your own righteousness, that is something beyond that expression of humility.

    Collie is young and has the kind of absolute confidence in his own position that comes from that youth. I'm willing to cut him some slack perhaps I could actually see myself saying such things when I was that age. I just hope a little experience and wisdom might show him why others might take issue with his statements.

  8. Don,
    Everyone in Utah is hyper sensitve about the 'holy war'- on both sides of the coin.

    Even if he said, "God loves BYU more than Utah" who cares? It's not like he makes state policy- he's a college football player.

    Utah needs to chillax, and take some more meds.

  9. Don,

    You're right. It is a bit self-righteous sounding. But I don't think he meant it that way. Utah has an excellent team, and it came down to one play. I think Utah players and coaches are doing a lot of good on and off the field as well and it shows in their caliber of play.

    Obi wan,

    He should (and we all should) think a bit more about how our words will be perceived.

    But I ulimately agree with Salt H20; we shouldn't put very much emphasis on what a 22-year old football player says. There are many more important things that other people are saying that many of the fans who complained about Collie never even pay attention to.

  10. "Down Comes the Cellophane" is exactly what happened with the Collie "controversy". Utah has an inferiority complex when it comes to the Y, and it shows.


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