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Fidel Castro: Murderer, Torturer, Propagandist, Tyrant

The 81-year old Fidel Castro announced that he will not run for public office in Cuba again. (As though he ever "ran" for it in the first place.) It would have been nice if he had announced that intention some 50 years ago. The Cuban people would be infinitely better off today. So would the world.

Fidel Castro lived less than a cipher's life, yet he has been romanticized unceasingly by the Robert Redfords of America, aided by a largely misguided U.S. embargo of his crumbling fiefdom. He could have amounted to a pretty good baseball player, and with God's grace, I wish he would have. He would have done much less damage. Too little, too late, he announced that he will not "run" for President for an unprecedented second 50-year term. As it stands, the world would have been better off if Fidel Castro had never been born.
An ailing Fidel Castro resigned as Cuba's president Tuesday after nearly a half-century in power, saying he was retiring and will not accept a new term when the new parliament meets Sunday.
One thing that I can compliment him on--he was not as petty a tyrant as Mao Tse Tung. But with compliments like these, who needs criticism? Oh well, I am rife on this momentous day with criticism for the Monster of the Caribbean.

Fidel Castro is a torturer-par-excellence. Of course he had quite a bit of help from his brother Raul and "Human Rights paragon", Che Guevara. Just ask the thousands of people who lived in the Castro gulag.
He jailed and tortured at a rate higher than Stalin and refuses (unlike Apartheid South Africa, Pinochet's Chile and Somoza's Nicaragua) to

Lovers of freedom everywhere bid you a very unfond adieu as you ride off into the direction of hell's sunset.

allow Amnesty International or the Red Cross to inspect his prisons.
Fidel Castro is a murderer. Okay, fine, he let Che do most of that while Che was still around, but murders still occur at the direction of the tyrant who would have made Josef Stalin proud.

Fidel Castro is the consummate propagandist. As evidence, ask yourself how many Americans really think Fidel Castro ever gave a crap about Elian Gonzales and his family.

Fidel Castro is a controller of the mind.
Fidel Castro's influence over the Western "intelligentsia" can only be described as magical, and renders any public evaluation of his regime among the smart set completely devoid of logic....

His legal code mandates 2 years in prison for anyone overheard cracking a joke about him. Yet Jack Nicholson and Chevy Chase sing his praises.
Fidel Castro is a whoremongering gluttonous beast. The pleasures--and even the normalcies--of life that Fidel's government prohibited to his subjects were for him a daily fare. Women, food, movies, fast cars--he had it all--all the time.

Fidel contributed to the attempted destruction of the United States by allowing Nikita Khrushchev and the Soviet Union to plant nuclear missiles on Cuban soil.

Fidel--God loves you (because He is perfect), but I don't. You will answer for the blood of thousands of martyrs to the cause of freedom. I hope someday to be able to forgive you for heinous "contribution" to the world, but don't expect that forgiveness to be anytime soon in coming.

Your riddance is great and greatly appreciated. Please...don't change your mind. Lovers of freedom everywhere bid you a very unfond adieu as you ride off into the direction of hell's sunset.


  1. You've neglected to mention the awesome Cuban health care system.

    On a serious note, what does this really mean? I suspect that, as long as he's breathing, he'll retain a large measure of control. But if he's publicly admitting he can't run things anymore, maybe he won't be breathing much longer.


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