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Obama's Second Constitutional Crisis--And He's Not Even President Yet!!

The current "injury" is that Barack Obama may not meet Constitutional citizenship requirements for becoming President of the United States. To that we can now add an "insult". In a far more cut and dried case, Hillary Clinton cannot currently be appointed to serve as Secretary of State.

Darn it! That "[blankety-blank] piece of paper" is getting in the way again...

Hillary Clinton is a United States Senator. In her current term in the Senate,

Admittedly, it wouldn't be the first time that a president has used Article I, Section 6 of the Constitution to wipe his backside. Nixon did it, Carter did it, and Hillary's own husband did it. So, we can likely count on the Obama administration and its media patsies to pay about as much attention to this as they did to that little thing about the birth certificate.

the pay for the office of Secretary of State (among others) was raised. Senator Clinton is thereby disqualified from becoming Secretary of State--at least for now.

It's one of the clearest conflict-of-interest statements in the Constitution. Article I, Section 6 says:
No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office.
Well, it does use the sexist term "he", so maybe Senator Clinton is exempted from this requirement...?


The "emoluments" of the office of Secretary of State were increased by executive order in January 2008, pursuant to the requirements of cost of living legislation. Well, at least now the Federal Reserve, with its inflationary tactics, has screwed someone else besides just us peons.


The "emoluments" of the office of Secretary of State were increased by executive order in January 2008, pursuant to the requirements of cost of living legislation. Well, at least now the Federal Reserve, with its inflationary tactics, has screwed someone else besides just us peons.

Clinton was first elected to the Senate in 2000. She was re-elected in 2006. Her current term lasts for four more years. Senator Clinton cannot, therefore, become Secretary of State until 2013 at the earliest.

Do Barack Obama and his transition team not know about these things? Or is the Constitution just as much a "[blankety-blank] piece of paper" to them as it is to George W. Bush?" And was it planned that way?

Admittedly, it wouldn't be the first time that a president has used Article I, Section 6 of the Constitution to wipe his backside. Nixon did it, Carter did it, and Hillary's own husband did it. So, we can likely count on the Obama administration and its media patsies to pay about as much attention to it as they did about that birth certificate thing.

Barack Obama has already been party to two Constitutional crises, and he's not even president yet. Holy cow! This is portending to be a long and bumpy ride.

Don't worry, though. You can go back to watching Dancing with the Stars.


  1. So if she resigns her position in the Senate, is she then eligible? Is there a similar rule about a Senator serving as President during the time they were elected as a representative?

  2. The phrase, "during the Time for which he was elected" kind of throws a monkey wrench into the mix. Although I have read the Constitution many times, this escaped my attention. It would seem that even if a senator or representative resigned his/her post prior to actually being appointed to fill an appointed executive position, he/she would yet be ineligible if the term to which he/she was elected had not yet expired.

    But don't expect the GOP to make much of a fuss about it, since they will want to reserve the right to engage in similar shenanigans in the future.

  3. Much has been made of Obama the Constitutional scholar, but I'm not impressed because he voted for the blatantly unconstitutional FISA amendments.

    Unlike Bush's violations of the Constitution, Hillary's appointment lacks criminal intent so it's probably not an impeachable offense.

    Keep trying, I expect the right wing to draw up articles of impeachment on January 21 at the latest!

  4. As sad as it is, there's enough of a precedent of this happening that it has its own name.

  5. Richard,

    You're right--it's not impeachable. We didn't try hard enough, though, to remove Bush and Cheney for clearly impeachable offenses.


    It's all just a good ole boy and girl network now anyway, which would make Madison and his contemporaries roll over in their graves. The better fix would be an amendment to the Constitution. Otherwise this becomes like a speeder complaining to the highway patrol officer--and getting off--because the officer didn't the other guy who was speeding just as fast.

  6. Looks like Congress can fix the problem simply by reducing the salary of the Secretary of State.

  7. Yea, I actually saw an article about this in the NY times.


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