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In Case You Think Marxism is Cool, Maybe You Should Know Something About Karl Marx Himself

Even today, students of Karl Marx seem to be enthralled by his supposed wisdom. Jesus Christ taught that "by their fruits ye shall know them." The fruits of Karl Marx were dark and hateful. As we learn more about the demonic life of Karl Marx, it becomes hard to imagine why anyone would believe his teachings.

Chauncey Riddle, a former Brigham Young University professor, once remarked that Karl Marx made some accurate observations about life, but that the problem arose with Marx's solutions. It is much easier to destroy than it is to build something up. Karl Marx was a destroyer--and we're still paying for it.

Everything that Karl Marx wrote came from a

Marx implied that "capitalists" were capable of nothing but exploitation of the working men and women--a surefire recipe for class hatred instead of problem solving.

framework of class combat. Everything that Jesus Christ taught was from a perspective of loving and serving one's neighbor. Marx's solutions to social problems were diametric opposites of the solutions of Christ. For many Marxism is cool, as it allegedly helps the downtrodden masses. In reality, Marxism stirs up hatred and anger, leaving the masses as downtrodden as before. Based on Karl Marx's bizarre life, it's hard to imagine how anyone can subscribe to his philosophies.

Dedicated to his soon-to-be wife, Jenny Westphalen, Karl Marx described his personal passion in the poem entitled Athenaeum
Look now, my blood-dark sword shall stab
Unerringly within thy soul.
God neither knows nor honors art.
The hellish vapors rise and fill the brain.

Til I go mad and my heart is utterly changed.
See this sword—the Prince of Darkness sold it to me.
For me he beats the time and gives the signs.
Ever more boldly I play the dance of death.
The description fits very well. Karl Marx sought to dominate and/or exploit nearly everyone in his path. His own father described Karl as being possessed by a "demonic spirit". In his personal

Karl Marx sought to dominate and/or exploit nearly everyone in his path. His own father described Karl as being possessed by a "demonic spirit".

quest, he ignored his family, some of whom died of malnutrition.

His mother lamented "If only Karl had created capital instead of writing about it!" Karl Marx never held a steady job, nor did he visit a factory during his entire adult life. He spent virtually all his adult life complaining about the problems, yet Karl Marx never contributed to the physical or spiritual betterment of his fellow men. And yet somehow hundreds of thousands consider Marx an authority on economics.

He was described by a friend as someone
Who comes rushing in, impetuous and wild—
Dark fellow from Trier, in fury raging?
Nor walks nor skips, but leaps upon his prey
In tearing rage, as one who leaps to grasp
Broad spaces in the sky and drags them down to earth,
Stretching his arms wide open to the heavens.
His evil fist is clenched, he roars interminably
As though ten thousand devils had him by the hair.
Marx was the one who coined the phrase "capitalism" as a term of derision.

From the moment he received a statue of Zeus as a present, Marx let his

Ironically, money from Friedrich Engels and from Marx's wife's estate allowed him to live a bourgeois life. He thought nothing of the hypocrisy.

hair and beard grow long in an effort to resemble the foolhardy king of the Greek gods.

Marx fathered an illegitimate son, whom he completely disowned.

Ironically, money from Friedrich Engels and from his wife's estate allowed him to live a bourgeois life. He thought nothing of the hypocrisy.

His book, Capital, was a failure in most of Europe, but it caught on

It takes great skill to be a builder. It takes much less of a person to wish to destroy everything in order for it to be remade in his image. Karl Marx was such a man.

in Russia, especially as it was later championed by Lenin. It has been stated that "without Marx there would have been no Lenin."

Marx taught that value could only be generated by the laborer, and he therefore branded profits and interest as "surplus value", which implied that "capitalists" were capable of nothing but exploitation of the working men and women--a surefire recipe for class hatred instead of problem solving.

Marx had virtually no popularity at the time of his death. Twenty people came to his funeral.

It is debated--incorrectly, I think--that Marx would have opposed the repressions of such fiends as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. Based on Marx's vile hatred of the bourgeoisie, such a claim hardly makes sense. As one critic of Marx put it:
In the name of human progress, Marx has probably caused more death, misery, degradation and despair than any man who ever lived.
Those acting in the name of Marx have caused tens of millions of deaths of those who got in the way of their grandiose Marxist plans.

It takes great skill to be a builder. It takes much less of a person to wish to destroy everything in order for it to be remade in his image. Karl Marx was such a man.

How unfortunate. The ill-thought "solutions" of Marx have been a burden of untold proportions. On the other hand, the yoke of Jesus Christ is easy, and his burden is light.

Let's fix the problems, sure. But not with a solution that is malevolently worse than the disease!


  1. Great info here. I'd read up quite a bit on Marx back in the college days, but some of this I had never put together in such a way.

    And your points on Marx being a catalyst for the very class warfare he thought he was fighting against are insightful. This is how history scares me. The more time that passes from the day a man was actually alive, the more "innocent" his words become. Sometimes what develops into a nice sounding philosophy on the surface -- 100 years later -- actually stems from lunacy and (in Marx's case) dangerous people.

  2. I would suggest reading Marx. There is a difference between what Marx said and what others say Marx said.

  3. Anon,

    I think I agree with you...? However, I get the sneaking suspicion that you think that I'm saying something different about Marx than he really said...?


    I would like to say that I am pleasantly surprised that you agree with the article, but I'd be a liar if I didn't say I was shocked!!


    So, now, can you still support the bailout/stimulus class warfare of Barack Obama, which is the reality of Karl Marx preached? I hope I have helped you put together how wrong bailouts are, whether they come from Republicans or Democrats, because they steal from one group of people (the general populace) and give to someone else (the Wall Street tycoons and the automobile industry tycoons.) Bailouts are Marxism at its best (albeit ironically in reverse), and they only generate more hatred between the classes and more power for the government.


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