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BYU Projected to Appear in NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament Championship

Have you filled out your March Madness tournament picks yet? I have, under the name of one of my all-time heroes--Ben Bernanke. Even though I work for BYU, I picked BYU to win one game. But there is one reputable group that picks BYU to make it all the way to the NCAA Tournament Finals.

Determining the real winner is academic...if you know what I mean. In the latest tournament projections from, Brigham Young University is picked to fall to North Carolina in the championship game. Here's how it could happen:
Back by popular demand, Inside Higher Ed proudly presents its 4th Annual Academic Performance Tournament. As in years past, we have broken down the entire men’s tournament bracket and advanced those teams with the better performance in the classroom.
So who knows? BYU might get trounced in the first round by Texas A&M like they did last year, but apparently, if this were all based on academics, we could make mincemeat of A&M with one hand tied behind our backs.

So does this give me solace that BYU in reality won't make it past the 2nd round of the tournament?

It should. If I worked for BYU-Idaho, which doesn't sponsor intercollegiate athletic programs, it might.

But it doesn't.


  1. Interesting. I hope they're right, but until BYU wins a first round game I can't have much hope for them.

    Surprisingly, an ESPN analyst predicted that UCONN will be the first #1 seed to fall this year -- to BYU. I really doubt that but hope he's right.

  2. they also have pitt losing to e. tenn state, so i don't know how much credibility they really should have. i think byu has a chance against uconn, and i think texas a&m is overrated at an 8, but this time of year, who knows what's going to happen.

  3. The best part is that Utah loses in the first round to UofA, which was my fall-back school if I couldn't get in to BYU.

    Go Cougars.

    And Wildcats.

  4. Huh. I thought Duke would have made it further but they have them losing to Texas.

    BYU's working on a 6 game losing streak in the real tourney, so even one win this year would be great. But I'm not holding my breath.

  5. BYU-ID doesn't support intercollegiate sports? Good for them! I guess I was wrong--there is some good thing at one of the LDS universities.


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