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US Aids Saudis, Thumbs its Nose At Iran, Endangers World

The Iranian and Saudi Arabian governments hate each other worse than Iran and American Neocons. So what does the United States do while Iran eggs America on with sabre rattling? It thumbs its nose at the Iranian people and endangers the world by striking a war deal with the Saudis.

This CNN article notes that 
Perhaps the only thing longer than Iran's animosity toward the United States is its hatred of Saudi Arabia. The two are divided not only by the Persian Gulf, but also by a Shiite-Sunni sectarian split and a Persian-Arab divide that goes back centuries.
In the last few days, the United States has threatened economic sanctions against Iran, which has in turn threatened to mine and otherwise block the Strait of Hormuz against oil traffic and other trade. Iran can't possibly succeed in blocking the Strait, but on the other hand, economic sanctions against Iran will do nothing but hurt the Iranian people. This Iranian points out that
These sanctions will benefit the regime and hurt the people. This has always been the case. These are economic sanctions. Such sanctions mean hardships for ordinary people as regime always get around such sanctions and use it in its favor. Also, these sanctions have been imposed because of nuclear plans not because of human rights violation. These sanctions, therefore, have no justification. These will not help people.
Similar sanctions against Iraq a few years ago didn't inconvenience Saddam Hussein in the least, but contributed to the deaths of thousands of poor and weak Iraqis.

Now, at exactly the time of maximum mutual irritation, the United States has finalized a $30 billion deal with the Saudis to ship them a boatload of F-15s.
The $29.4 billion deal -- announced against the backdrop of rising tensions with Iran -- calls for the production of up to 84 new F-15SA aircraft and the modernization of 70 current F-15s, along with "munitions, spare parts, training, maintenance and logistics," Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs Andrew Shapiro told reporters.

The agreement, which was signed over the weekend by U.S. and Saudi officials, "demonstrates the U.S. commitment to a strong Saudi defense capability as a key component to regional security," Shapiro said. "This sale will send a strong message to countries in the region that the United States is committed to stability in the Gulf and broader Middle East."
It does not matter whether a 30-billion-dollar deal was already in the works between the US and the Saudis. The deal should at least have been postponed. (Actually, why the United States gives military armaments to any other country is beyond me.)

It is ironic that Assistant Secretary of State Shapiro, in the above quote, would have claimed that such a deal shows that "the United States is committed to stability in the..Middle East."  In reality, it ensures the very opposite.

American foreign policy is becoming more and more dangerous to the world.


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