Was the death of US Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi related to the running of Libyan weapons stockpiles through Turkey to Syrian freedom fighters? Circumstantial evidence makes it a strong possibility. Here's what I've found so far.
One thing that seems to not be in dispute is that weapons supplied through Libya have turned up in rebel hands in Mali and Algeria. However, this article claims that the US is NOT one of such suppliers. France, reputedly one of the suppliers, sees that it may have been a mistake to facilitate such movements, as Libyan Touareg fighters have joined rebel forces in the other two countries. Only 3 of more than 30 rebels who recently attacked an Algerian natural gas facility were actually Algerians. Unguarded weapons caches apparently exist all over Libya.
This article alleges that while the official US position is not to supply weapons to Syria, that may actually BE related to the reason that Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed there:
In November of 2011, Libya, fresh off winning liberation for its own country, decided that it wanted to help Syria do the same thing. With this in mind, a man named Abdulhakim Belhadj traveled to Syria to meet with rebel leaders. At about the same time, increasing amounts of footage appeared on Youtube encouraging Libyan freedom fighters to join their compatriots in Syria
In March of that year, Chris Stevens had been appointed by the Obama administration to be the liaison with the new Libyan government. At the time, “Clinton said the United States would do more than just provide humanitarian aid, but she did not get into specifics.” It appears that Stevens had been in contact with Belhadj.
Stevens had apparently not been in Libya in nearly a year when he returned just before the 9/11/12 attack that took his life, and that it’s hard to imagine otherwise why only a 5-person skeleton crew was on hand.
This Reuters article points out that the CIA Post in Benghazi was “a base for, among other things, collecting information on the proliferation of weaponry looted from Libyan government arsenals, including surface-to-air missiles.” The last known business of Chris Stevens was a visit with Turkish Consul General Ali Sait Akin, who left the American embassy compound only about one hour before the attack that took Stevens’s life.
Fox news at that time reported that a large Libyan ship, reportedly carrying weapons, docked at a Turkish port on September 6, 2012, just five days before Ambassador Stevens was killed. Also, “a source told Fox News that Stevens was in Benghazi to negotiate a weapons transfer, an effort to get SA-7 missiles out of the hands of Libya-based extremists." Fox goes on to say that “A congressional source also cautioned against drawing premature conclusions about the consulate attack and the movement of weapons from Libya to Syria via Turkey -- noting they may in fact be two separate and distinct events. But the source acknowledged the timing and the meeting between the Turkish diplomat and Stevens was "unusual."
In this video of Hillary Clinton's recent testimony before the Senate, Clinton claims that "it is, from my perspective, less important today, looking backwards, as to why these militants decided to do it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we'll figure out what was going on in the meantime."

This article alleges that while the official US position is not to supply weapons to Syria, that may actually BE related to the reason that Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed there:
In November of 2011, Libya, fresh off winning liberation for its own country, decided that it wanted to help Syria do the same thing. With this in mind, a man named Abdulhakim Belhadj traveled to Syria to meet with rebel leaders. At about the same time, increasing amounts of footage appeared on Youtube encouraging Libyan freedom fighters to join their compatriots in Syria
In March of that year, Chris Stevens had been appointed by the Obama administration to be the liaison with the new Libyan government. At the time, “Clinton said the United States would do more than just provide humanitarian aid, but she did not get into specifics.” It appears that Stevens had been in contact with Belhadj.
Stevens had apparently not been in Libya in nearly a year when he returned just before the 9/11/12 attack that took his life, and that it’s hard to imagine otherwise why only a 5-person skeleton crew was on hand.
This Reuters article points out that the CIA Post in Benghazi was “a base for, among other things, collecting information on the proliferation of weaponry looted from Libyan government arsenals, including surface-to-air missiles.” The last known business of Chris Stevens was a visit with Turkish Consul General Ali Sait Akin, who left the American embassy compound only about one hour before the attack that took Stevens’s life.
Fox news at that time reported that a large Libyan ship, reportedly carrying weapons, docked at a Turkish port on September 6, 2012, just five days before Ambassador Stevens was killed. Also, “a source told Fox News that Stevens was in Benghazi to negotiate a weapons transfer, an effort to get SA-7 missiles out of the hands of Libya-based extremists." Fox goes on to say that “A congressional source also cautioned against drawing premature conclusions about the consulate attack and the movement of weapons from Libya to Syria via Turkey -- noting they may in fact be two separate and distinct events. But the source acknowledged the timing and the meeting between the Turkish diplomat and Stevens was "unusual."
In this video of Hillary Clinton's recent testimony before the Senate, Clinton claims that "it is, from my perspective, less important today, looking backwards, as to why these militants decided to do it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we'll figure out what was going on in the meantime."
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