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The Mormon Perspective on Peace

A friend of mine recently claimed that leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ didn't have much to say about peace in the world during the last LDS General Conference.  From a political perspective, that's right, they didn't.  But they had a great deal to say about how lasting peace comes to us.
I testify that as we follow the example of our Savior, Jesus Christ...we will find peace. - Eduard Bube

Our daily walk with Jesus Christ leads to peace and purpose in this life and profound joy and eternal salvation in the world to come. - Dieter Uchtdorf

peace can be settled in the heart of each who turns to the scriptures and unlocks the promises of protection and redemption that are taught therein. We invite all to turn to the Savior Jesus Christ - Boyd Packer

“When the real history of mankind is fully disclosed, will it feature the echoes of gunfire or the shaping sound of lullabies? The great armistices made by military men or the peacemaking of women in homes and in neighborhoods? Will what happened in cradles and kitchens prove to be more controlling than what happened in congresses? - Todd Christofferson

The healing power of the Atonement will bring peace to your soul and enable you to feel the Holy Spirit. The Savior’s sacrifice is beyond measure. doors and hearts open daily to the gospel message—a message that brings hope and peace and joy to the children of God throughout the world. - Randy Funk

My dear friends, when we decide to come to Him, when we take upon ourselves His name and boldly walk in the path of discipleship, then through the Atonement we are promised not only happiness and “peace in this world” but also “eternal life in the world to come.” - Dieter Uchtdorf

Only the Master knows the depths of our trials, our pain, and our suffering. He alone offers us eternal peace. - Thomas Monson

Through the ordinances of the priesthood, all of us receive comfort, strength, protection, peace, and eternal promises. - Neil Anderson

Great power and personal peace come as we understand the doctrines of the restored gospel. - Kevin Hamilton

The Lord’s way is the only way for us to experience enduring happiness. His way brings sustained comfort to our souls and perennial peace to our homes.  - Russell Nelson



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