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Choosing with the Aid of Facts

Have you ever been afraid that your child would choose something that you didn't want them to, and so you have withheld facts from them? I think that they should be armed with the facts, even if by so having the facts they choose that something I wish they wouldn't.

For 24 years now, females have been able to make a poignant choice without all the facts. In the age of technology, the ability for them to make a fully informed choice is becoming nearer to the reality. Because of the technology some of them are making a different choice than they otherwise might have. Crisis pregnancy centers encourage them to look at the alternatives before making the choice.

"They connected," nurse Joyce Wilson says, recalling the reaction of the women who saw the filmy image of their fetus onscreen. "They bonded. You could just see it. One girl got off the table and said, 'That's my baby.'"

Despite whether we are pro-choice or pro-life (I prefer to call myself pro-contemplation), we realize that a woman will choose. I think it is healthy that her choice can now be informed by more facts.

Crisis pregnancy centers are helping girls and women see that there are other alternatives to taking the life of the baby. New ultrasound equipment enables the potential mother to see the intricacy of the life that hangs in the balance, and in more cases girls and women are choosing to continue on the path to motherhood.

A Time Magazine poll indicates that in 74% of the decisions to have an abortion the fact that "having a baby would dramatically change my life" weighs into the decision. Seventy-three percent of the time the mother feels that she cannot afford another child. In very few cases does the concern of the mother's or the baby's health weigh into the decision. In even fewer cases was the potential mother was raped.

The choice to have an abortion is a poignant one, which affects the erstwhile mother for the rest of her life. I am glad that she now has more information with which to make the choice.


  1. Do you think that if women were paid equal wages to men, it might mean fewer abortions? I mean, if you're only making 75 percent of what a man makes for the same work, raising a baby might seem like a dumb decision, depending on what your job is.

  2. Yes, it might. But I also think that if men and women viewed the issue of human sexuality with more maturity and sacredness, there would be far more wanted pregnancies and far fewer divorces and single mothers.

  3. The amount of money you have to raise a child has nothing to do with whether or not it has a right to live. That is murderous justification.


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