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Gross! Liposuction Fluid is a Source of Adult Stem Cells. Cool!

Finally, you don't have to feel guilty for being overweight! In the past 18 months or so, it has been determined that your fat can be used as a source stem cells!

Alan Russell is the founding director of the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. Russell leads a biomedicine program that explores tissue engineering, stem cell research, biosurgery and artificial and biohybrid organs.

In a video recently posted on, he discuss several new forms of cell therapy. One of them is adult stem cell therapy. (As of this writing, there are still no known therapies using embryonic stem cells, and certain adult stem cells have been discovered that are as flexible--can generate any type of cell tissue--as embryonic stem cells are thought to be.)

Dr. Russell's presentation is about 19 and a half minutes.

At 13:35, you'll see how stem cells have been used from a patient to help heal that patient.

At 15:20, you'll see a discussion about how liposuction fluid has been found to be a source of adult stem cells. Ugh, gross! But cool!


  1. I'm still not going to have liposuction to get rid of the ring around my middle.

  2. Mine's a little ring around the middle, but I can't figure out how to get rid of it. Running 15-20 miles per week doesn't seem to help.

    Maybe I'll donate it to stem cell research!!


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