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Yikes! Hottest Year in History! Icebergs Melting!

When we rely on computer models and people who get paid to produce gloom scenarios, we get falsification of facts on such controversial issues as global warming. Maybe the globe is warming. But, the hottest year on record? Not 1998. Worry about icebergs melting? Try 1922, before the prediction that we would have a global ice age. What this proves is that we don't know as much as we think we do about global warming, now do we?

1998 not quite the hottest year on record.

Recently NASA published "statistics" that "proved" that 1998 was the hottest year on record in the United States. Dadgum that blogosphere! NASA was forced to wipe egg off its face as it admitted that its statistics were wrong.

Some of America's top scientists have admitted that the calculations they used to show an increase in the country's temperatures were flawed, after a campaign by an amateur meteorologist using his blog.

Climatologists at Nasa's Goddard Institute of Space Science in New York have been forced to revise their estimations after research from Stephen MacIntyre, who published his findings on his Climate Audit site.

As a result of his calculations, which he e-mailed to Nasa, scientists at the agency now accept that 1934, not 1998, was the warmest year in the United States since records began.

Drats! Foiled again.

Icebergs are melting and they're almost gone!

That was the headline from a recent newspaper article, if you consider nearly 100 years ago recent. Nancy Pelosi recently returned from Greenland all freaked out about melting glaciers, but she's not the first one to freak unduly.

D.C. resident John Lockwood was conducting research at the Library of Congress and came across an intriguing Page 2 headline in the Nov. 2, 1922 edition of The Washington Post: "Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish and Icebergs Melt."

The 1922 article, obtained by Inside the Beltway, goes on to mention "great masses of ice have now been replaced by moraines of earth and stones," and "at many points well-known glaciers have entirely disappeared."

"This was one of several such articles I have found at the Library of Congress for the 1920s and 1930s," says Mr. Lockwood. "I had read of the just-released NASA estimates, that four of the 10 hottest years in the U.S. were actually in the 1930s, with 1934 the hottest of all."

Now that puts a wrench in the monkey works. Al Gore, can we get a ruling?


  1. James Taranto wrote (here), "NASA's faulty findings didn't look faulty to global warmists, who saw exactly what they were expecting to see."

  2. In a recent Consumer Reports (yes everyone is getting on the bandwagon), they featured an article about global warming with pictures of a glacier that showed it retreating. The only problem is, the middle picture was taken during the decades in the middle of the 20th Century when temperatures were actually FALLING from their peak in the 1930s! The glacier kept shrinking, even though the earth was cooling for forty years! I have a little bulletin for the people who get all worked up over glacier retreat: glaciers are made of ice, which requires rain or snow to fall on them in order to keep them from melting in the summer and evaporating in the winter. The glaciers that are most often depicted are in temperate regions where it actually warms up ABOVE FREEZING for several months of the year. That is true even in Glacier National Park in northern Montana. So physics dictates that the surface of the glacier will melt every summer. The only way the glacier can grow is if there is precipitation that puts new water and ice onto the glacier when it is cold enough to stay there. If there is a drought cycle, where precipitation decreases (and not even the Un thinks it knows how to predict that into the future), a glacier will gradually melt, even if the temperatures stay level! In fact, as shown by so many pictures of glacier retreat during the cooling of the 1930s to 1970s, as long as it gets well above freezing in the summer, glaciers can melt even if average temperatures are going down! So there is no reason to think that even if we stop global warming, the glaciers in the temperate zone that are retreating will come back! There will still be summers. Even if it gets no higher than 70 degrees during the day, that's well above 32 degrees, and so the glacier will keep melting, as it has been doing, because the weather is simply not putting enough water back into the glacier to make up for the melt during the summer! INdeed, if the precipitation simply shifts from winter into spring, summer and fall months when it is above freeezing, the water itself will help to melt the glacier.

    So glaciers grow or retreat basedf on how much rain and snow falls on them and at what time of year, NOT on how hot it is in summer or winter. When the winter comes and it is 30 below zero, a rise of 2 to 5 degrees is going to keep it below freezing! In the summer, a rise of 1 to 5 degrees might accelerate melting a little, but the main heat is supplied by the degrees from 32 to 70 that are already there!

    Thje UN IPCC specifically stated that Mount Kilamanjaro's snowcap decrease is due to decline in precipitation, NOT temperature changes (as asserted by Al Gore); the precip decline is due to manmade factors, but they are deforestation in the plains around the mountain, that decreases the precip, just as intense grazing and deforestation by man has denuded much of the Sahara and Greece.

  3. Raymond,

    Thanks for the good info.

    The movie The Global Warming Swindle has a lot of similar such evidence of advancing and retreating glaciers and a lot of other good stuff, too.


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