I've now begun to teach my kids, though, that a money tree actually does exist in America, and it accrues to its owners a much worse unfair advantage than I told them about. This money tree is called the Federal Reserve. Another 'family' of sorts, one that we're not allowed to know very much about, has, because of exclusive access to their money tree, a gigantically unfair advantage over the rest of Americans.
The Fed money tree is the major reason for the continually increasing divide between rich and poor in the United States. That
The Federal Reserve attempts, in the most current manifestation of its chicanery, to drag Congress into its schemes only to diversify the culpability for the current crisis.
is one money tree that ought to be cut down, and its stump drilled and burned.What's the most common issue that married couples argue about? Finances. Financial problems lead to mental and physical abuse, contribute to the breakup of families, and sometimes even lead to murder and suicide.
It was that way during the American Revolution as well. Alan Stang told Sam Bushman yesterday on the Liberty Roundtable radio program that family strife and abuse skyrocketed during the War for Independence. It was, quite naturally, assumed that this had occurred because there was a war going on. Ironically, however, the problem was later discovered to be directly related to the irresponsible printing of the Contential Dollar in an effort to finance the war; when America's debt problem was eventually brought under control, Stang says, family strife subsided dramatically. This came both as a very pleasant surprise and a great learning experience to the early Americans.
We have a similar but much worse problem now. Families are so
Families are so burdened by financial issues that they scarcely have time to wonder what hit them. What him them is The Cabal of the Money-Hungry Priests of Financial Oppression.
burdened by financial issues that they scarcely have time to wonder what hit them. What him them is The Cabal of the Money-Hungry Priests of Financial Oppression. The Federal Reserve is our modern day irresponsible printer of money, on a scale never dreamed of those who were attempting to foster a land of liberty. The Federal Reserve knows clearly that what it purveys is a destruction of liberty. The Federal Reserve is that one money tree that we've all told our children is a disgrace to the idea of fairness.Why do we let it continue? For the sanity of our families and our nation, it has got to stop.
It would be bad enough if the Fed were only as irresponsible as the American government in the 1770's. However, to make matters infinitely worse, the Federal Reserve is a private company that profits from the money that it prints.
Whenever the Federal Government determines that a new issuance of money is in order (and even more often when it does not) the Federal Reserve issues the directive that the money be put into circulation. Most of the time the Fed cannot resist the fact that its members and their friends will profit most from the new money, so it concocts sob stories and schemes in an attempt to legitimize this highway robbery perpetrated on the American people. Members of the Fed, their families, and their friends enjoy and profit from the quintessence of insider trading.
Their children get the best in education and luxury, while yours get either the Alternative Minimum Tax or the Earned Income Tax Credit.
By the time each new batch
Their children get the best in education and luxury, while yours get either the Alternative Minimum Tax or the Earned Income Tax Credit.
of money trickles down to the poorest segment of society, this new money has not only lost the value it had at its beginning, but it has diluted the value of the rest of the money supply. This is evidenced by the general increase in the prices of everything.The Fed's inflationary policies hurt the poor the worst. The wages of labor never keep up with inflation. The rich, who are longest able to tread the waters of an ever deepening economic crisis, are able to augment their incomes from sources other than wages. The poor have little or no opportunity to diversify their sources of income in this manner. Sadly, it's becoming harder for those in the middle class to 'tread water' anymore either.
The Federal Reserve is a private company, which is nearly independent of and has very little responsibility toward the US government. It has never been audited. It has engineered bailouts without so much as giving a how-do-you-do to the United States Congress. It attempts, in the most current manifestation of its chicanery, to drag Congress into its schemes only to diversify the culpability for the current crisis.
If the government were to take back its Constitutional responsibility
The Fed concocts sob stories and schemes in an attempt to legitimize the highway robbery it perpetrates against the American people. Members of the Fed, their families, and their friends enjoy and profit from the quintessence of insider trading.
to coin money and regulate its value, at least Americans would have an opportunity to throw the purveyors of fiscal skulduggery out of office.More than any other entity, the Federal Reserve is responsible for the financial turmoil that the United States is experiencing today. Ron Paul points out that
From the Great Depression, to the stagflation of the seventies, to the burst of the dotcom bubble last year, every economic downturn suffered by the country over the last 80 years can be traced to Federal Reserve policy.The Fed has not only failed to effectively perform the task that it was assigned by a cabal of Congressmen on a cold, dark December 23rd night in 1913. It has made matters much worse. You and I have come to hate each other for it.
Yes, there is an increasing divide between the rich and the poor in this country. It is exacerbated and facilitated by self-serving fiscal policies of the Federal Reserve.
Call your Congressional representatives and ask them to support Ron Paul's drive to abolish the Federal Reserve. The sanity of your family is at stake.
And so is your freedom.
How odd that Americans are being led to clamor for more intervention from the same source whose interventions helped cause our current financial mess. The fact is that most Americans still have faith in the Fed and can't even imagine life without the it. It's almost as pitiful as the slave that holds to his master because he can't imagine (or else fears) what life as a free man would be like.
ReplyDeleteBut we can't just blow up the Fed. We must put forward a feasible alternative. Peter Brimelow, writing for the Ron Paul campaign offers the concept of competing currencies. He debunks some of the myths that cause us to fear a plan where private banks could offer their own currencies.
I doubt we'd be able to get the Fed killed off in one fell swoop. The first step would be to kill off the Fed's monopoly, by legalizing competing currencies and instituting across-the-board regulations that are designed to ensure proper competition -- that also apply to the Fed. This would force the Fed to offer a competitive exchange medium and would lead to reduction of the Fed's statutory pre-eminence.
I like your slave example. Another example is the woman who keeps going back to an abusive relationship because she has no idea how much better life can be.
ReplyDeleteI like the concept of competing currencies. As the Brimelow article says, "Money seems to have developed all by itself," in the absence of government. This will have a tendency to keep people financially on their toes and incentivize them use the currencies that are the most robust. It just might be a good way to get rid of the Fed.
Lew Rockwell said
ReplyDeletethe Fed and Treasury are actually very worried that they are incapable of injecting more credit into a banking structure averse to lending right now. They would rather have Congress authorize the money directly and run up the debt.
The Federal Reserve is Guilty of Helping Create the Global Financial Meltdown
ReplyDeleteMany investors and concerned citizens around the world are showing their outrage at what the Federal Reserve has done to the American economy with their easy money policies which caused the credit & real estate bubble and subsequent global financial meltdown.
Join the thousands who are signing & commenting on the Abolish the Federal Reserve Petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/fed/petition.html