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Sarah Palin: Death Knell for 3rd-Party Resurgence in '08?

When I heard that John McCain had picked Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential running mate, my first reaction was: "That's a good choice." I don't know why, because the only things I knew about her were that she's the Alaska governor, and that she's in favor of producing oil from the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge. The more I think about it, however, the choice of Palin appears to be a calculated attack against the millions who are thinking about voting 3rd party this election. Based on how everyone has gone ga-ga since Palin's speech last night, the calculation may have succeeded. If so, we are Bozo's (with no offense intended to Governor Palin).

Since Palin's selection by McCain,

Don't be seduced by the attractiveness of Sarah Palin into voting for a snake.

here's what else I've found out about her:
  • She was born in Idaho.
  • She's a former beauty queen, and according to the media (or maybe just Glenn Beck), she's very very very "hot".
  • She has a child with Down's Syndrome.
  • She has an unmarried daughter who is pregnant.
  • Her husband quit his job for BP after 17 years, but just before BP began negotiations over oil with the Alaskan state government.
  • She is a hockey mom
That is entirely enough information on which to base a decision as to whether she'd make a good vice president, right?

Hopefully Republican

Sarah Palin may be a great person. But the problem is...

John McCain is still John McCain.

party convention goers are not reflective of the US population. Because they swooned. Maybe they're trying to keep up with the "rock-star-struck" Democrats.

This is the year that millions of voters need to vote 3rd party. I hope those millions of voters are smarter than to have let McCain scuttle that.

Obama picked Joe Biden because of his weakness--foreign policy experience. McCain seems to have picked Palin largely because of his weakness--outward attractiveness to the electorate. Unfortunately,

Obama picked Joe Biden because of his weakness--foreign policy experience. McCain seems to have picked Palin largely because of his weakness--outward attractiveness to the electorate. Unfortunately, the seduction seems to be working.

the seduction seems to be working.

Sarah Palin may be a great person. I personally think she is, from what little I know, and from the little bit I listened to her speech from last night. But the problem is...

John McCain is still John McCain.

Don't be seduced by the attractiveness of Sarah Palin into voting for a snake.


  1. Apparently you haven't been tuning into the polls. While people like you and me have been turned off to the mainstream candidates, a smaller percentage of Americans than at any time in the past half century have been planning to vote third party this year.

    The number that have been planning to sit out has been somewhat ethereal and difficult to calculate, but it seems to be significantly larger than the sum of those that have planned to vote third party.

    While it may go against our grain, we must admit that the reality is that few (actually very, very few) people have found any third party candidate they can vote for. The vast majority of people that can't bring themselves to vote for either Obama or McCain will simply not vote at all.

  2. The speeches last night songed like a nazi ralley. Spewing hate, belittling everyone who isn't a republic. Mitt Romney and Giuliani are a joke. Palin is proving herself to be a novelty and a joke as well...the worst joke in American history.

  3. Reach,

    I really don't pay much attention to the polls, first because I don't take much stock in them, which leads to second, that I think they influence the non-thinking voters.

    You probably disagree, but I think it is critical to get all of the disillusioned voters off the sidelines and encourage them to vote 3rd party as a means of helping them overcome their disillusionment.

  4. Frank,

    I think you are right about the fact that having Sarah Palin as VP does not change John McCain. I have liked Palin since before McCain was the nominee, but her presence on the ticket does not mean that I can bring myself to vote for him.

  5. As I mentioned on David's blog a while back, I wonder what would happen if each political race also had a selection available for "no confidence" or just plain "no." Would some of the people now inclined to sit out choose to vote? What kind of message would a high number of 'no' votes send? Would it make any difference?

  6. Reach,

    They already have that ability, but because we keep going down the "lesser of two evils" path, hardly anyone either knows about the "none of the above" concept or gives it a second thought.

    Your point is well taken, but I'm surprised then that you don't advocate more voting for third-party candidates. Maybe the polls say that 3rd-party candidates are way behind again this year. But you have to agree that in our current political malaise that's not healthy.


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