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Republicans are Squarely to Blame for Stimulus Fiasco

Republicans are crying foul that the Democrat leadership in Congress forced blitzkrieg votes on the second most stupid economic stimulus plan in world history yesterday. They have short memories. It was their leadership only four months ago that was advocating the most stupid economic stimulus plan in history. The idea of panicking the Congressional herd into a voting stampede had its beginning just after September 11, 2001. And that is why the current fiasco is all the Republicans' fault.

Without the diabolical attacks of 9/11, do you think that Congress would recently have been voting for silly stimulus packages on the threat of "if we don't do something now, then it will get much worse"? Not a chance.

Mike Huckabee had this to say recently:
I learned a few tricks and tactics while I was a lieutenant governor and governor for over 13 1/2 years. And one thing is that when someone is in a hurry to pass legislation, you'd better slow it down because the reason to hurry a law is rarely urgency to help the citizens, but urgency to get it passed before people find out what the heck it really is.

A lot of legislation is like garbage and it's garbage the first day in the can, but if it sits there long enough, it really starts smelling.
He's absolutely right. It's like the snake oil salesman. If you taste the snake oil, or if you read the bill, there's more time to discover that it's just plain old crap.

The Democrats have sunk to a new moral low. George W. Bush, through

To their credit, very few Republicans voted for the phony plan. Yet, under similar circumstances in September of 2001, Republicans displayed the same panic mentality when it came time to vote for the USA Patriot Act.

his tilting at Islamic terrorist windmills made us more vulnerable to terrorism than we'd ever been up to that point. As Democrats contribute to the waterfall decline in American economic health, that vulnerability skyrockets--along with the hypocrisy.

Now, news that Nancy Pelosi compelled the House to vote quickly on the latest stimulus debacle package so that she could be on time for her trip to Europe just makes me want to vomit.

Glenn Beck chastised congress yesterday for not having possibly been able to read the "stimulus" package that they were required to vote

For Republicans who blindly supported their President then, how can they be surprised when the Democrats blindly support their president now?

on by the end of the day. That, in and of itself, is reason enough to vote against it. Yet nearly every (every?) Democrat voted for it. To their credit, very few Republicans voted for the phony plan. Yet, under similar circumstances in September of 2001, Republicans displayed the same panic mentality when it came time to vote for the USA Patriot Act. The Patriot Act, much like

The only kind of government we have today is government by contrived panic. Garbage starts to stink quickly. That all started on 9/11.

the "stimulus" bills of 2008 and 2009, caused (or will cause) far more harm than good. Then, as well as now, it was impossible for our elected representatives to have read what they were voting on. For Republicans who blindly supported their President then, how can they be surprised when the Democrats blindly support their president now?

Mike Huckabee is correct. Except to repel immediate invasion, government works best when it has time to think. The only kind of government we have today is government by contrived panic. Garbage starts to stink quickly. That all started on 9/11.


  1. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act should have had "DON'T PANIC" printed on the first page in large, friendly letters, like the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Maybe that would make Republicans feel better. Jobs are good for the economy, tax cuts don't help much.

    On the other hand, anyone who thinks our economy isn't in trouble ought to look at this graph.


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