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Ten Things I Plan To Do Better As A Result Of LDS General Conference

Here is a list of ten things that I resolve to be better at as a result of what I have learned and felt while participating in the October 2010 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

1. Understand and apply the atonement in my life more consistently. I think it was President Packer who said that ""forgiveness is forgiveness."

2.Be more grateful. Take time to express my gratitude before it becomes to late, as in the case of a mentor of mine who passed away before I could thank him for his excellent example. Stop being one who so naturally takes everything for granted.

3. Exercise less pride. I was glad to hear President Uchtdorf reprise, in a way, the talk on pride given by Ezra Taft Benson from 1989. I need to stop hearing counsel and thinking it applies to everyone else. It applies to me. President Uchdorf said, so well, that: "[Pride] leads some to revel in their own self-worth--accomplishments, talents, wealth, or position. They count these blessings as evidence of being chosen, superior or more righteous than others.  This is the sin of "thank god I am more special than you." At it's core is a desired to admired or envied."

4. Seek the Holy Ghost each day in prayer. Elder David Bednar said we should do this on a regular basis, but I can't remember the last time I did. I'm sure if my scripture study was a fervent as my study of other books, I'd be much better off than I am now.



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